Mid-Century Modern Hallway Bench (June 21, 23, 24)

Sale price Price $600.00 Regular price

Course Dates 
Thursday, June 21st 6:00 - 9:30pm 

Saturday, June 23rd 10:00 - 5:00pm 
Sunday, June 24th 10:00 - 5:00pm 


Matt Wallace and Harrison Lane

It's been two years in the making, but we've finally be able to bring Harrison Lane back to the OCW. If you're infatuated with all things mid-century, then this class is for you. From turned legs, to sleek line, your bench will definitely be a show stopper. Each piece will be built using locally sourced walnut or white oak. Over 3 sessions, you will learn basic woodworking theory, including joinery, how to dress your wood, how to properly glue up panels, right through to turning the legs. Couples or teams (of 2 max) are welcome to work together on the same bench.

Final bench dimensions will be approximately 14" x 42". 

Courses are transferable to another person, but are non-refundable. Please ensure they work with your schedule.